extend your senses
News 2024/07
Dear business partnerts,
please accept our invitation to one of the most important and largest industrial fairs in the world - Hannover Messe, which takes place from 22th to 26th April in Hannover, Germany.
The main topics of this year are electrification, digitalization and automation in industry. It goes hand in hand with increased demands for precision, efficiency and transparency of all data and information that can influence production and business processes. Sensor technology is therefore not to be missed. 

In Hall 11, Stand B 51, we will present our wide portfolio of sensors and probes for various industrial applications. 
If you are interested in getting a free ticket, please request a code to
If you have any questions, we are here for you. Contact us at the phone number or e-mail address below.

Your SENSIT team
We measure
SENSIT s.r.o. | Školní 2610 | Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 756 61 | Česká republika
T +420 571 625 571 | E obchod@sensit.cz
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